2015 Petition for State and Federal Investigation of Public Corruption in Williamson County, Illinois
Whereas enormous documentation and proof of public corruption has been uncovered in the published research entitled “None Dare Call It Corruption” by Elisabeth Jo Abbott and made available on the website by the same name, www.nonedarecallitcorruption.com , outlining the serious violation and betrayal of the public’s trust and expectation for fair and honest services by their public and elected officials beginning in the Williamson County Courthouse, and
Whereas the Williamson County Supervisor of Assessments has repeatedly misused and abused his position of power by various methods, including failure to assess after a sale, delaying assessments after a sale, using non uniform methods of assessment, and handing out enormous discounts in assessments for select developers, as well as seriously questionable assessment manipulation within T.I.F. districts, We, the undersigned petitioners, do hereby request an outside audit and investigation into his office for what appears to be, but not limited to, malfeasance, public corruption, and hundreds of counts of mail fraud, as his actions and inactions have deprived the taxpayers of Williamson County of substantial monies over an extended period of time, and
Whereas, for years, the Williamson County Clerk has installed the name of a private entity ( Marion Heights, LLC.) as a taxing body on numerous property tax bills, and whereas the Williamson County Treasurer has written checks for years ( out of the property tax monies collected) totaling in excess of four million dollars directly to the private entity ( Marion Heights, LLC.), and whereas the City of Marion Treasurer for years has caused those unindorsed checks to be deposited into the City of Marion bank accounts, all contrary to the laws governing the actions and fiduciary duties of those public offices, We, the undersigned petitioners, do hereby request an outside audit and a complete investigation into the books and actions of these public officials and their offices for their repeated violation and betrayal of the public’s trust and expectation for fair and honest services, as well as for, but not limited to, what appears to be corruption, money laundering, and gross misappropriation of public funds.